What are the CyberPatient Educational Resources?

The CyberPatient Educational Resources cover over 750 curriculum-supporting modules.

Premium Student, Free Student (1000 × 50 px) (50 × 50 px) (150 × 40 px) (1500 × 400 px) (6) - EditedIn the following modules, you can find more than 750 unique educational resources, and thousands of diagnostic and animated assets, all peer-reviewed and covering many organ systems:

Students can sharpen competencies with animations and interactive components in the Educational Resources before they practice on the CyberPatient case simulations. 

Access here, or refer to the left-hand navigational panel > Educational Resources (seen below). Use the search button or navigate through the categories. 


Search for resources using "quotations."


Have any questions❓Please reach out to info@cyberpatient.ca