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Optimal browsing connections

Something not quite right? Try these quick and easy fixes.

Premium Student, Free Student (1000 × 50 px) (50 × 50 px) (150 × 40 px) (1500 × 400 px) (6) - EditedFor a seamless experience, please use Google Chrome browsers (best choice) or Safari (second choice).

Before starting or restarting a case, please clear your cache of images and files. Specific browsers could create technical issues with some areas of the platform showing overlapped. Copy and paste "chrome://settings/clearBrowserData" into your Chrome browser and check the box for Cached images and files > Clear data.

Untitled design (74)

The alternative is to use CyberPatient in an Incognito window.

Some institutions and clinical settings have protective Firewalls against third-party software. Please consult with your IT teams to make sure that CyberPatient is safe-listed. Revert to using CyberPatient in an Incognito window if this is not possible.

Have any questions❓ Please reach out to info@cyberpatient.ca