After you submit history taking, does your case unexpectedly end? You may be set at the wrong skill level (i.e. Level 1).
All CyberPatient cases can be completed on 4 different levels. Faculty will set the desired level for the class.
- Level 1 - History taking
- Level 2 - History taking and Physical Examination
- Level 3 - Full continuum of care - allowing for 3 consecutive mistakes. The platform will prompt the user to continue with the case after 3 mistakes.
- Level 4 - Full continuum of care - after 3 consecutive mistakes, the case is terminated, and the user will have to restart the case without saved data.
Remember to check the user levels before starting a case, as changing it midway will prompt you to start the case from the beginning.
To change your skillset; click "Settings" and then "Change Skillset" or click here.
For tutorials on each level, please watch our Scrub In videos in our Faculty TrainingHub or Student TrainingHub
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