How do I navigate History Taking and Physical Examination on CyberPatient?

Tips for History Taking and Physical Examination

Premium Student, Free Student (1000 × 50 px) (50 × 50 px) (150 × 40 px) (1500 × 400 px) (6) - Edited

When searching for a question in the History Taking section, please use keywords and not complete sentences to search for what you are looking for. The same applies when searching for Special Examinations; use specific test names or keywords if you know them. 

Please save your History Taking by clicking on Finish Patient History before closing the browser window. This saves your progress for when you return to the case.


Please make sure to save your physical examination BEFORE moving on to the next step. 

Once you have completed questions during History Taking, please document your findings in the
Patient Chart. This allows students and faculty to see the progress in each case and decision-making skills. Remember to use the patient chart to document your findings throughout the patient care continuum.


chart taking

During Physical Examination, users will notice that some options are greyed-out. Please adjust your patient’s position using the tools shown in the image below to activate the greyed-out options. 



Use the Zoom button (shown above) to see specific areas of the patient, then click on the desired site of the patient to examine. This is identified on the screen with (+).


This will activate additional tools (as seen in the second image below). Users will hold down the mouse for some physical examinations, such as auscultation, to complete the process. 



For tutorials on navigating CyberPatient cases at every level, refer to our Student TrainingHub or Institutional & Faculty TrainingHub



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